Monday, June 20, 2016

Herbal therapy: Popular Herbal He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum or Fallopia multiflora)

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum or Fallopia multiflora)

He Shou wu is also known as Chinese Knotweed, genus Fallopia, belonging to Polygonaceae, native to central and southern China. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating hyperlipemia, neurasthenia, split personality, premature white hair, nerve injuries, skin wind rash, constipation, etc.

Health benefits
1. Hepatoprotection
In the evaluation of the water extracts (w/v:1/10) of Polygonum multiflorum(WEP) and its antioxidative property on carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4))-induced liver damage in rats found that WEP may be effective in attenuating liver damage by reducing lipid peroxidation as well as by positively modulating inflammation, according to "Hepatoprotection of emodin and Polygonum multiflorum against CCl(4)-induced liver injury" by Lee BH, Huang YY, Duh PD, Wu SC.(1)

2. Hyperlipidemia
In the assessment of Raw and processed Polygoni Multiflori Radix (PMR) and its effect on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), hyperlipidemia or related diseases found that raw PMR might have more satisfactory effects in clinic treatment of NAFLD or hyperlipidemia characterized by the elevation of cholesterol than processed PMR, according to "Lipid regulation effects of Polygoni Multiflori Radix, its processed products and its major substances on steatosis human liver cell line L02" by Wang M, Zhao R, Wang W, Mao X, Yu J.(2)

3. Liver cancer
In the investigation of the water extracts of raw and processed Polygonummultiflorum (RWE or PWE) were obtained by boiling them in water and its effect on human liver cells found that 95% ethanol-eluted material of Polygonum multiflorumand emodin had a similar significant effect of S phase arrest and all could induce L02 cell apoptosis, according to "[Effects of extract of Polygonum multiflorumon cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of human liver cell line L02][Article in Chinese]" by Zhang RC, Liu B, Sun ZX, Xu DY.(3)

4. Cognitive disorders
In the observation of 15 herbs for the screening have been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine or in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for the treatment of cognitive disorders clinically found that extract of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. (root) can lower Aβ generation by modulating APP processing in the N2a-SwedAPP cell line. These results corroborate the traditional use of Polygonummultiflorum Thunb. (root) for the treatment of cognitive disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD), according to "In vitro screening on amyloid precursor protein modulation of plants used in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese medicine for memory improvement" by Liu LF, Durairajan SS, Lu JH, Koo I, Li M.(4)

5. Breast cancer
In the study of The root of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb and its effect on the proliferation of certain types of cancer cells found that PME inhibited MCF-7 cell proliferation by inducing cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase and promoting cell apoptosis. The effects of PME on MCF-7 cells were associated with the modulation of the expression levels of proteins involved in the cell cycle and apoptosis. These data suggest that PME has promise as a treatment against breast cancer by inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells, according to "Anti-proliferative effect of an extract of the root of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and the possible mechanisms" by Chen HS, Liu Y, Lin LQ, Zhao JL, Zhang CP, Jin JC, Wang L, Bai MH, Wang YC, Liu M, Shen BZ.(5)

6. Promoting hair growth
In the assessment of Polygonum multiflorum and it has traditionally been used for treating patients suffering from baldness and hair loss in East Asia effect found that Polygonum multiflorum extract promoted hair growth by inducing anagen phase in telogenic C57BL6/N mice. In Polygonum multiflorum extract treated group, we observed increase in the number and the size of hair follicles that are considered as evidence for anagen phase induction. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that earlier induction of β-catenin and Shh were observed inPolygonum multiflorum extract treated group compared to that in control group, according to "Topical application of Polygonum multiflorum extract induces hair growth of resting hair follicles through upregulating Shh and β-catenin expression in C57BL/6 mice" by Park HJ, Zhang N, Park DK.(6)

7. Antioxidant activities
In the comparison of the antioxidant activities of the extracts from Zhi-heshouwu and Heshouwu found that the extract from Zhi-heshouwu presented a higher 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity than the extract from Heshouwu, with IC50 values of 0.43 mg/mL and 2.9 mg/mL, respectively (p < 0.05). The hydroxyl radical scavenging activities of the two were similar (IC50 0.98 mg/mL and 1.45 mg/mL, respectively; p > 0.05). 5-Hydroxymethyl-furfural, a main compound in the extract of Zhi-heshouwu, showed IC50 values for scavenging DPPH radicals and hydroxyl radicals of 1.6 mg/mL and 0.24 mg/mL, respectively, according to "In vitro antioxidant activities of maillard reaction products produced in the steaming process of Polygonum multiflorum root" by Liu Z, Liu Y, Chao Z, Song Z, Wang C, Lu A.(7)

8. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs)
In the investigation of the protective effects of preconditioning human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with Polygonum multiflorum stilbeneglycoside (PMS) under anoxia/reoxygenation (A/R), and the mechanism of protection found that PMS preincubation resulted in the enhancement of antioxidant activity and anti-lipid peroxidation. The NO/cGMP/cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) signaling pathway was involved in the effect of PMS on HUVECs, according to "The protective effects of Polygonum multiflorum stilbeneglycoside preconditioning in an ischemia/reperfusion model of HUVECs" by Liu LP, Liao ZP, Yin D, Li WD, Liu D, Li Q, Huang QR, Yang YF, He M.(8)

9. Diabetes
In the analyzing 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-d-glucoside (TSG), an active component extract from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb and its antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects found that the protective mechanisms of TSG on diabetic nephropathy are involved in the alleviation of oxidative stress injury and overexpression of COX-2 and TGF-β1, partially via activation of SIRT1, according to "Tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside ameliorates diabetic nephropathy in rats: involvement of SIRT1 and TGF-β1 pathway" by Li C, Cai F, Yang Y, Zhao X, Wang C, Li J, Jia Y, Tang J, Liu Q.(9)

10. Androgen-dependent diseases
In the observation of 50% ethanol extract of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb (Polygoni Multiflori Radix; Polygonaceae) and its effect on against androgen-dependent diseases including benign prostatic hyperplasia found that although emodin showed considerably less potent inhibitory activity than riboflavin, the inhibitory activity of the compound was more potent than that of alizarin (1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone), an anthraquinone-type positive control. Also, anthraquinone itself was substantially inactive against 5alpha-reductase, in dicating that the hydroxyl group on the structure of emodin is an important structural moiety for displaying inhibitory activity, according to "5alpha-reductase inhibitory components as antiandrogens from herbal medicine" by Cho CH, Bae JS, Kim YU.(10)

11. Alzheimer's disease (AD)
In the observation of the clinical effect of compound Polygonum multiflorumextract on Alzheimer's disease (AD) found that the total effective rate of 93.33% in the compound Polygonum multiflorum extract treatment group was better than 73.33% in the Chinese herb control group and 68.97% in the western medicine control group (P < 0.01), according to "[Effect of compound Polygonummultiflorum extract on Alzheimer's disease].[Article in Chinese]" by Chen L, Huang J, Xue L.(11)

12. Anti-HIV activities
In the classification of the 70 % EtOH extract of Polygonum cuspidatum and its inhibitory action against HIV-1-induced syncytium formation found that compounds 1, 13, 14, and 16 demonstrated fairly strong antiviral activity against HIV-1-induced cytopathic effects in C8166 lymphocytes at non-cytotoxic concentrations, with EC (50) values of 4.37 +/- 1.96 microg/mL, 19.97 +/- 5.09, 14.4 +/- 1.34 microg/mL, and 11.29 +/- 6.26 microg/mL and therapeutic index (TI) values of 8.12, > 10.02, > 13.89, and > 17.71, respectively, according to "Anti-HIV activities of the compounds isolated from Polygonum cuspidatum and Polygonummultiflorum" by Lin HW, Sun MX, Wang YH, Yang LM, Yang YR, Huang N, Xuan LJ, Xu YM, Bai DL, Zheng YT, Xiao K.(12)

13. Etc.

Side Effects
1. Overdose may be toxic and cause liver damage
2. The herb may cause irritation of or even damage to the digestive tract
3. Allergic effect
4. Do not take the herb in children or if you are pregnant without consulting with your related field specialist
5. Etc.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Therapy - Popular Chinese Herbs - Chi Shao Yao (Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Chi Shao Yao (Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)

Chi Shao or Chi Shao Yao is also known as Red Peony Root, the bitter, sour and cool herb has been used in TCM to anti-spastic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, sedative agnet and to lower blood pressure, dilate peripheral blood vessels, coronary arteries, treat viral hepatitis, chronic constipation, asthma, whooping coughs, diabetes, etc., as it clears Heat, cools Blood, eliminates Blood accumulation, calms paindilates, etc., by enhancing the functions of liver and spleen channels.

1. Essential oil
2. Resin
3. Paeoniflorin
4. Paeonol
5. Paeonin
6. Albiflorin
7. Triterpenoids
8. Sistosterol
9. Oxypaeoniflorin
10. Benzoylpaeoniflorin
11. Benzoic acid
12. β sitosterol
13. Gallotannin
14. Pedunculagin
15. 1-O-Galloylpedunculagin
16. Eugeniin
17. Tannin acid
18. Etc.

Health Benefits
1. Abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism
In the investigation of a new formula, TZQ-F including 8 fractions isolated from Red Paeony root, Mulberry leaf, Lotus leaf, Danshen root and Hawthorn leaf with a good quality assurance, based on the recipe of the traditional anti-diabetic formula TZQ, found that among the 8 fractions, three of them had inhibition effects on intestinal disaccharase, three with inhibition effects on lipase, and five with effects of free radical scavenging. In vivo study showed that after 4 weeks of treatment, TZQ-F significantly decreased the levels of serum total cholesterol, TG, glucose, LDL-C and HDL-C in rats on high-fat diet, according to “Regulation effects on abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism of TZQ-F, a new kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine” by Tao W, Deqin Z, Yuhong L, Hong L, Zhanbiao L, Chunfeng Z, Limin H, Xiumei G.(1) 
2. Insulin resistance
In the investigation of the pathological changes of blood glucose, serum lipid, insulin resistance, liver function, liver cell denaturalization of total glucosides of paeony on nonalcoholic fatty liver rats caused by insulin resistance and discuss the acting mechanism, found that total glucosides of paeony may protect liver function and modulate serum lipid for the fatty liver rats caused by insulin resistance, and its action mechanism may be concerned with enhancing insulin sensitivity and antioxidative ability, decreasing serum lipid, according to “[Effects of total glucosides of paeony on enhancing insulin sensitivity and antagonizing nonalcoholic fatty liver in rats].[Article in Chinese]” by Zheng LY, Pan JQ, Lv JH.(2).

3. Acute pancreatitis
In the comparison of the therapeutic effects of red peony root decoction, a compound traditional Chinese herbal medicine, and rhubarb in treating severe acute pancreatitis (SAP), found that The durations of abdominal tenderness, fever and abdominal distension in the treatment group were less than those in the control group (P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the time length for antibiotics (including anti-bacteria drug and antifungal agent) use, nasojejunal feeding start, nasojejunal feeding, gastrointestinal decompression, fasting diet, hospital stays and hospitalization costs were decreased in the treatment group (P<0.05). There were no significant differences between the two groups in enzyme inhibitor and protease inhibitor requirement, mortality and adverse reactions, according to “[Red peony root decoction in treatment of severe acute pancreatitis: a randomized controlled trial].[Article in Chinese]” by Zhang M, Zhu DZ, Li ZS, Zhan XB.(3).

4. Blood stasis Syndrome (NH-BS)
In the evaluation of the effect of red peony root (RPR) on serum proteome in rat suffering from noxious heat with blood stasis Syndrome (NH-BS), found that (1) Serum of rats with LPS induced NH-BS showed significant changes in volume of serum protein (xPr) in 13 points on 2DE collagen, the volume of xPr 16 and 19 were significantly lower, volume of xPr 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 23 were significantly higher respectively, as compared with those in the normal control group. (2) After being treated with RPR, the increased volume of xPr 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 significantly decreased, and the decreased xPr 16 significantly increased, with xPr 2, 3 restored to normal level but the xPr16 still lower and xPr 1, 4, 9 higher than those in the normal group. RPR showed interaction with LPS on xPr 1, 3, 9, and 16. (3) For xPr 19, the interaction of RPR with LPS might be synergistic. (4) In the group treated with RPR, volumes of xPr 13 and 14 were significantly higher and those of 15, 17 were significantly lower than those in the normal group respectively, but the similar changes didn’t found in the LPS group, according to “[Preliminary study on change of serum proteome in noxious heat blood stasis syndrome treated by radix Paeoniae rubra].[Article in Chinese]” by Xie WG, Ma XC, Shao NS.(4).

5. Mid-advanced crescentic nephritis (MACN)
In the evaluation of the therapeutic effect of integrative Chinese and Western medicine in treating mid-advanced crescentic nephritis (MACN), found that Decoction of Qingre Huoxue recipe (QHR), consisted of oldenlandia herb 30 g, honey-suckle stem 30 g, violet herb 30 g, red peony root 15 g, rehmannia root 15 g, solomonseal rhizome 15 g, asiabell root 30 g, red sage root 30 g, prepared rhubarb 12 g and giant-hyssop herb 12 g, were additionally given one dose per day to patients in the treated group. The renal function, improvement of anemia and immunosuppressive agents needed in patients were observed after 3 months treatment, according to “[Clinical study on treatment of mid-advanced crescentic nephritis by qingre huoxue recipe].[Article in Chinese]” by Deng YY, Chen YP, Wang L, Hu Z, Jin Y, Shen L, Zhu R, Zhong Y.(5).

6. Blood lipids and sex hormones
In the observation of the effect of Dandi Tablet (DDT)(consisted of prepared Rehmannia Root 24 g, Dogwood Fruit 9 g, Poria 9 g, Water-plantain 9 g, Tuber Peony bark 9 g, Chinese Yam 12 g and Red Sage 15 g, etc.), a TCM preparation for tonifying Shen and activating blood circulation, on blood lipids and sex hormones in women of postmenopausal stage, found that compared with pre-treatment, after treatment, levels of TC/HDL-C and FSH significantly lowered, HDL-C and E2 increased in both groups (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01), levels of TG lowered and apoA increased significantly in the DDT group (P < 0.05) and concluded that DDT has the effect of elevating levels of estrogen and improving blood lipid metabolism, therefore shows a coronary heart disease preventive effect in women of postmenopausal stage, according to “[Effect of dandi tablet on blood lipids and sex hormones in women of postmenopausal stage].[Article in Chinese]” by Liang R, Chen MR, Xu X.(6).

7. Antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects
In the determination of effect of monkshood root and peony root on inflammation-induced agents and free radicals when used separately and in combination, found that In an experimental rat model with inflamed paw edema induced by carrageenin or formaldehyde and in a mouse model with ear swelling induced by xylene, the anti-inflammatory effect appeared stronger when the two drugs were used in combination, especially in comparison with the use of monkshood root alone. The exudation of blood capillaries and the contents of inflammation medium PGE2 were lowered; The activity of SOD extracted from rat or mouse red blood cells was enhanced, and the serum LPO, which was high in level when monkshood root was used alone, could be declined when the two drugs were used in combination, according to “[Influence of monkshood root-peony root combination on inflamation-induced agents and free radicals].[Article in Chinese]” by Qin L, Peng X, Zhang SH, Wang L, Liu F.(7).

8. Etc.

Side Effects
1. Do not use the herb (raw bai shao) in case of pain in abdomen or/with diarrhea, if you have spleen deficiency.
2. Do not use the herb in newborn, children or if you are pregnant or breast feeding without approval from the related field specialist.3. Etc.

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The Best Smoothie of Ginger and Walnut for Reduced Rick and Treatment of Miscarries and Recurrent Miscarries

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, master of Nutrients), all right reserved.
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

The smoothie for reduced risk and treatment of miscarriage
Yield: 2 serving (about 8 ounce each)
1 1/2 cup walnuts
1 cup herbal ginger tea
1. Place all ingredients in a blender and puree about 1 minute
2. Blend on high speed about 1 minute or until the mixture is thick and the ice is well crushed.
3. Serve immediately

The finding of a natural source for reduced risk and treatment of miscarriage has encountered many obstacles, many ingredients showed initially the promising result in animal studies have not produced same potentials in either large sample size and mutli centers human trials.

Scientists in some well known institutions may have found the therapeutic and potential ingredients from natural sources(Ginger and Walnut) for reduced risk and treatment of miscarriage.

Miscarriage is defined as the loss of an embryo before the 20th week of pregnancy as it is incapable of surviving independently. In medical terminology, miscarriage is a type of abortion, as it refers to the pregnancy ends with the death and removal or expulsion of the fetus, regardless of whether it is spontaneous or medically induced abortion.
Ginger,  is the genus Zingiber, belongings to the family Zingiberaceae, native to Tamil, used in traditional and Chinese medicine to treat dyspepsia, gastropsimilar to those of anticoagulants in making your blood thinner involved late-term losses and earlier miscarriages(1).
According to the Academic Medical Center, Meibergdreef, intake of aspirin or anticoagulants attenuated risk of recurrent miscarriage with or without inherited thrombophilia(2).
In fact, anticoagulation may provide benefit for women both as prophylaxis and as treatment for venous thrombosis during pregnancy, Dr.Pabinger I1,and Dr.Grafenhofer H(3)

Walnut with rich in vitamin B6 induced the hormonal balance of progesterone and estrogen may plays an important role for reduced risk and treatment of miscarriage due to  expression of low levels of progesterone(4).
According to the King Saud University, progestogens treatment showed effectively in threatened miscarriage with no adverse pregnant effects, such as hypertension or antepartum haemorrhage increased occurrence of congenital abnormalities on the newborn,...(5).
Dr. Goh JY and colleagues insisted, maintaining the healthy during pregnancy may be beneficial in regulation of serum progesterone level in reduced risk of miscarries(6).

The smoothie of Ginger and Walnut may hold a key for further studies in production of effective natural ingredients for prevention and treatment of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy without inducing adverse effects.
Women who are at increased risk of miscarriage in pregnancy, due to family history, ... should drink at least one cup daily. Women with miscarriage risk in pregnancy, should drink no more than 4 serving daily depending to the digestive toleration.

(1) The Role of Anticoagulants in the Prevention of Pregnancy Complications.
Leaf RK1, Connors JM2.(PubMed)
(2) Aspirin or anticoagulants for treating recurrent miscarriage in women without antiphospholipid syndrome. by Kaandorp S1, Di Nisio M, Goddijn M, Middeldorp S.(PubMed)
(3) Anticoagulation during pregnancy by Pabinger I1, Grafenhofer H.(PubMed)
(4) Progestogens in the prevention of miscarriage by Carp HJ.(PubMed)
(5) Progestogen for treating threatened miscarriage by Wahabi HA1, Fayed AA, Esmaeil SA, Al Zeidan RA.(PubMed)
(6) Maternal obesity is associated with a low serum progesterone level in early pregnancy by Goh JY, He S, Allen JC, Malhotra R, Tan TC.(PubMed)

Most Common Diseases of Men of 50Plus - Prostate Health - The Effects of Vitamins and Minerals

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Starting at age 40, the levels of by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT triggering prostate enlargement and other problems. Besides aging there are many other causes of enlarged prostate and some of them might result in prostate cancer. Beside foods nutrition and herbs, vitamins and minerals also play an important role in preventing and treating prostate enlarged as well as prostate cancer.

1. Zinc
Zinc is necessary for male sexual and prostate health. Zinc inhibits the uptake of testosterone into prolactin. The prostate gland contains a higher concentration of zinc than any other organ in the body, therefore zinc deficiency is the major cause of enlarged prostate as well as an early indication of prostate cancer.

2. Selenium
Selenium contains an antioxidant enzyme that helps to enhance immune function, stop early cancer cells in their development and control cell damage that may lead to cancer. Foods that contain high levels of selenium are bran, broccoli, eggs, mushroom, and basil nut.

3. Vitamin C
As we know Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin, is commonly known as an antioxidant. Some studies show that increased levels of vitamin C reduce the risk for prostate cancer as well as prostate inflammation and enlarged prostate.
4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is found in foods and is also produced by the body and activated after exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun. Studies show that activated vitamin D may be broken down in the prostate, where it may plays an important role in preventing enlarged prostate and prostate cancer. Vitamin D deficiency mayincrease the risk of prostate cancer.

5. Vitamin E
Vitamin E plays an important role in preventing prostate cancer because it interferes with prostate specific antigen (PSA) and androgen receptor proteins that play a central role in the development of the disease.
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The Holistic prevention, management and treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: The Stress Response and Management herbal Rhaponticum

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, Master of Nutrients), all right reserved.
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

                Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined as endocrinologic diseases among reproductive-age women caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries associated with a high risk for metabolic disorder(1) as resulting of enlarged ovaries(2), leading to hormone imbalance(excessive androgen and anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) )(1)(3)(4)(5), induced Hirsutism(6)(7), reproductive disorder(10(12)), risks of type 2 diabetes(9)(10)(11), metabolic syndrome(10)(12) and early cardiovascular disease(8)(13), acne(10)(14), endometrial cancer(18)(19),weight gain and obesity(15)(16)(17). The syndrome effects over 5% of women population or 1 in 20 women.
Unfortunately, according to studies, women with PCOs after the reproductive age, are associated to continuously increase risk of type II diabetes, with no increasingaltered glucose tolerance(20), CVD and hypertension(21).

 The prevention and management In Herbal Medicine

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is unpreventable in Western medicine. Early diagnosis and treatment may reduce risk of its complications, including infertility, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, etc.
Reduce fat intake less than 30% of total calories with a low proportion of saturated fat and high in fiber from predominantly low-glycaemic-index-carbohydrate foods for patients with PCOs(827a). Calorie intake should be distributed between several meals per day with restricted intake of snacks and drinks(828).

                  The stress management herbs

Stress in a natural reaction of human fight or fight response induced by pressure due to such as an environmental condition or a stimulus. Long term stress can cause deleterious and cumulative effects on human body(1104), including emotional or cognitive problems, such as an increased risk of attentional deficit/hyperactivity, anxiety, and language delay(1103), especially for people with chronic illness, including women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOs)(1105).

                            Rhaponticum or Maral root

Rhaponticum also known as Maral root, is an herbaceous perennial plant belongings the family Asteraceae, used in traditional Siberian, Russian and Chinese medicine as anti-depressant(1191)(1192), anti anxiety(1192), anti menopausal complaints(1192)(1193), antioxidant(1194)(1195), immunomodulatory(1194)(1195), anticancerogenic(1194)(1196)(1197), antimicrobial(1194)(1195)(1198)(1199) and adaptogen agent(1194) and to treat impotence(1194), enhance mental and physical performance(1194)(1200), support the nervous(1194)(1201) and cardiovascular system(1194)(1202)(1203), improve work capacity(1194), etc.

1. Rosavin
2. Rosin
3. Rosarin
4. Salidroside
5. Ecdysteroids
6. Flavonoids
7. Phenolic acids
8. Polyacetylenes,
9. Sesquiterpene lactones
10. Triterpenoid glycosides
11. Terpenes
12. Etc.

According to Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, therbal medicne also processed anti metabolic syndrome such as serum lipid profile, corticosterone and cytokine concentrations, glucose tolerance, systolic blood pressure, triacylglycerol accumulation and its induction of inflammation, stress, and hepatic steatosis in rat model(1004).
In in Wistar rats model, N-feruloylserotonins, isolated from the seeds of Leuzeacarthamoides (WILLD.) DC, showed effectively in selective stress-reducing effects against stress-sensitive, such as reduced anxiety in the high-pain(1005).
In AdMax formulas, containing Leuzea carthamoides Iljin, Rhodiola rosea L., Eleutherococcus senticosus Maxim, and from dry berries of Schizandra chinensis Baill, improve response to stimulus and stress, physical endurance and counteract fatigue accordiung to Genext Research, Inc.(1006)

Chinese Food Therapy
The Best Way to prevent, treat your disease, including Obesity 
and restore your health naturally with Chinese diet

Ovarian Cysts And PCOS Elimination
Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How To
Permanently Eliminate All Types of Ovarian Cysts Within 2 Months

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(1) Adiposity and metabolic dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome by Sam S.(PubMed)
(2) A "kiss" before conception: triggering ovulation with kisspeptin-54 may improve IVF by Young SL.(PubMed)
(3.) Androgen hyperfunction and excessive heterosexual hair growth in women, with special attention to the polycystic ovarian syndrome by Lunde O1.(PubMed)
(4) Expression of anti-Müllerian hormone in letrozole rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome by Du DF1, Li XL, Fang F, Du MR.(PubMed)
(5) [Serum levels of anti-muller hormone in women with polycystic ovary syndromeand healthy women of reproductive age].[Article in Bulgarian] by Parahuleva N, Pehlivanov B, Orbecova M, Deneva T, Uchikova E.(PubMed)
(6) [Current opinions on the etiology and pathophysiology of hirsutism].[Article in Polish] by Krysiak R1, Kedzia A, Okopień B.(PubMed)
(7) The clinical evaluation of hirsutism by Somani N1, Harrison S, Bergfeld WF.(PubMed)
(8) Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin: our understanding in the past, present and future by Mayer SB1, Evans WS, Nestler JE.(PubMed)
(9) Association of mean platelet volume with androgens and insulin resistance in nonobese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome by Dogan BA1, Arduc A2, Tuna MM1, Karakılıc E1, Dagdelen I1, Tutuncu Y1, Berker D1, Guler S1.(PubMed)
(10) Approach to the patient: contraception in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Yildiz BO1.(PubMed)
(11) Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): a significant contributor to the overall burden of type 2 diabetes in women by Talbott EO1, Zborowski JV, Rager JR, Kip KE, Xu X, Orchard TJ.(PubMed)
(12) Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Slovak women with polycystic ovary syndrome and its relation to metabolic and reproductive abnormalities by Figurová J1, Dravecká I, Javorský M, Petríková J, Lazúrová I.(PubMed)
(13) Role of Insulin Sensitizers on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis by Thethi TK1, Katalenich B2, Nagireddy P3, Chabbra P4, Kuhadiya N5, Fonseca V1.(PubMed)
(14) Acne in hirsute women by Lumezi BG1, Pupovci HL1, Berisha VL1, Goçi AU2, Gerqari A3.(PubMed)
(15) Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome by Naderpoor N1, Shorakae S, Joham A, Boyle J, De Courten B, Teede HJ.(PubMed)
(16) Polycystic ovary syndrome: a complex condition with psychological, reproductive and metabolic manifestations that impacts on health across the lifespan by Teede H1, Deeks A, Moran L.(PubMed)
(17) Metabolic Evidence of Diminished Lipid Oxidation in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. by Whigham LD1, Butz DE2, Dashti H3, Tonelli M3, Johnson LK1, Cook ME2, Porter WP4, Eghbalnia HR5, Markley JL6, Lindheim SR7, Schoeller DA8, Abbott DH9, Assadi-Porter FM10.(PubMed)
(18) Risk of endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Barry JA1, Azizia MM1, Hardiman PJ2.(PubMed)
(19) Risk of cancer among women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a Danish cohort study by Gottschau M1, Kjaer SK2, Jensen A1, Munk C1, Mellemkjaer L3.(PubMed)
(20) Polycystic ovary syndrome: metabolic consequences and long-term management by Carmina E1.(PubMed)
(21) Arterial stiffness is increased in asymptomatic nondiabetic postmenopausal women with a polycystic ovary syndrome phenotype by Armeni E1, Stamatelopoulos K, Rizos D, Georgiopoulos G, Kazani M, Kazani A, Kolyviras A, Stellos K, Panoulis K, Alexandrou A, Creatsa M, Papamichael C, Lambrinoudaki I.(PubMed)
(827a) Diet and nutrition in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): pointers for nutritional management by Farshchi H, Rane A, Love A, Kennedy RL(PubMed)
(828) The optimal diet for women with polycystic ovary syndrome? by Marsh K, Brand-Miller J.(PubMed) (1106) Simultaneous Estimation of Withaferin A and Z-Guggulsterone in Marketed Formulation by RP-HPLC by Agrawal P1, Vegda R2, Laddha K2.(PubMed)
(1190) Review Chemistry and pharmacology of Rhaponticum carthamoides: A review Ladislav Kokoska a,*, Dagmar Janovska(Elsevier)
(1191) [The use of a decoction of the rhizome of Leuzea carthamoides for the treatment of alcoholics with depressive states].[Article in Russian] by Ibatov AN.(PubMed)
(1192) Long-term effects of the rhapontic rhubarb extract ERr 731® on estrogen-regulated targets in the uterus and on the bone in ovariectomized rats by Keiler AM1, Papke A, Kretzschmar G, Zierau O, Vollmer G.(PubMed)
(1193) Treatment of menopausal symptoms by an extract from the roots of rhapontic rhubarb: the role of estrogen receptors by Vollmer G1, Papke A, Zierau O.(PubMed)
(1194) Chemistry and pharmacology of Rhaponticum carthamoides: a review by Kokoska L1, Janovska D.(PubMed)
(1195) A study on the effect of ethanol extract of Radix rhapontici on erythrocyte immune function in rats by Yan X1, Zhao H, Guan Y, Song Y, Meng J.(PubMed)
(1196) Anticarcinogenic activity of alpha-difluoromethylornithine, ginseng, eleutherococcus, and leuzea on radiation-induced carcinogenesis in female rats by Bespalov VG1, Alexandrov VA, Semenov AL, Kovan'Ko EG, Ivanov SD.(PubMed)
(1197) Subtype-specific activation of estrogen receptors by a special extract of Rheum rhaponticum (ERr 731), its aglycones and structurally related compounds in U2OS human osteosarcoma cells by Möller F1, Zierau O, Jandausch A, Rettenberger R, Kaszkin-Bettag M, Vollmer G.(PubMed)
(1198) Antimycobacterial effect of extract and its components from Rheumrhaponticum by Smolarz HD1, Swatko-Ossor M, Ginalska G, Medyńska E.(PubMed)
(1199) Investigation of the antimicrobial activity of Rhaponticum (Rhaponticumcarthamoides D.C. Iljin) and shrubby cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa L.).[Article in English, Lithuanian] by Jurkštienė V1, Pavilonis A, Garšvienė D, Juozulynas A, Samsonienė L, Daukšienė D, Jankauskienė K, Simonienė-Kazlauskienė G, Stankevičius E.(PubMed)
(1200) Evaluation of molecular chaperons Hsp72 and neuropeptide Y as characteristic markers of adaptogenic activity of plant extracts by Asea A1, Kaur P, Panossian A, Wikman KG.(PubMed)
(1201) [Cerebroprotector activity of Rhaponticum carthamoides extract in rats with brain ischemia].[Article in Russian] by Plotnikov MB, Logvinov SV, Pugachenko NV, Maslov MIu, Aliev OI, Vasil'ev AS, Suslov NI, Potapov AV.(PubMed)
(1202) [Lipid peroxide, membrane fluidity of smooth muscle cells and atherosclerosis].[Article in Chinese] by Lu YC1(PubMed)
(1203) [Cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic properties of preparations from Leuzeacarthamoides, Aralia mandshurica, and Eleutherococcus senticosus].[Article in Russian] by Maslov LN, Guzarova NV.(PubMed)

(1204) Effects of rhaponticum carthamoides versus glycyrrhiza glabra and punica granatum extracts on metabolic syndrome signs in rats by Dushkin M1, Khrapova M, Kovshik G, Chasovskikh M, Menshchikova E, Trufakin V, Shurlygina A, Vereschagin E.(PubMed)
(1205) The selective effect of N-feruloylserotonins isolated from Leuzeacarthamoides on nociception and anxiety in rats by Yamamotová A1, Pometlová M, Harmatha J, Rasková H, Rokyta R.(PubMed)
(1206) Influence of the plant extract complex "AdMax" on global gene expression levels in cultured human fibroblast(PubMed)

Obesity and Obesity's complication - The association of Obesity on Colon Cancer

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, Master of Nutrients), all right reserved.
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Obesity is a medical condition of excess body fat accumulated overtime, while overweight is a condition of excess body weight relatively to the height. According to the Body Mass Index(BMI), a BMI between 25 to 29.9 is considered over weight, while a BMI of over 30 is an indication of obesity. According to the statistic, 68% of American population are either overweight or obese.

You can calculate your BMI index BMI= weight (kg)/ height (m2)

Colon Cancer or colorectal cancer is defined as a condition of the abnormal proliferation of cells in the large bowel which consist the the colon and rectum, is involved in absorption of water from the small bowel contents and broken down of certain materials in the feces into substances of which some of them to be re absorbed and reused by the body. Colon cancer is relatively very common and slowly growing and progress cancer and in predictable way.

The association of Obesity with Colon Cancer
1. According to the study of "Colon cancer: a civilization disorder" by Watson AJ, Collins PD. (Source from Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK., Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel), posted in PubMed, researchers indicated in abstract that A number of these risk factors are associated with a Western lifestyle and could be considered a product of 'civilization'. Recently, smoking has been recognized as a risk factor. Energy consumption also influences colorectal cancer risk, with obesity increasing riskand exercise reducing risk. However, the strongest contribution to environmental risk for colorectal cancer is dietary. Consumption of fat, alcohol and red meat is associated with an increased risk. Fresh fruit and vegetables and dietary fibre may be protective. Much has been learnt recently about the molecular pathogenesis of colorectal cancer.

2. In a study of "Obesity and familial obesity and risk of cancer" by Hemminki K, Li X, Sundquist J, Sundquist K. (Source from Division of Molecular Genetic Epidemiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg,, Eur J Cancer Prev. 2011 Sep;20(5):438-43.), posted in PubMed, researchers found that Family history ofobesity was associated with formerly unrecognized increased risks of gallbladder and colon cancers and ocular melanoma. Cancer risks in this relatively young obese population differed quantitatively from those found after type 2 diabetes.

3. In an abstract of the study of "Body mass index influences long-term outcome in patients with colorectal cancer" by Shibakita M, Yoshimura H, Tachibana M, Ueda S, Nagasue N. (Source from
Department of Surgery, Kawasaki Hospital, Higashiyama-cho 3-3-1, Hyogo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0042, Japan., Hepatogastroenterology. 2010 Jan-Feb;57(97):62-9), posted in PubMed, researchers found that both high and low BMI became independent prognostic factors of disease recurrence in patients with colorectal carcinoma, as low BMI was correlated with tumor progression and high BMI influenced the number of lymph node dissected.

4. in a study of "Body size, weight change, and risk of colon cancer" by Bassett JK, Severi G, English DR, Baglietto L, Krishnan K, Hopper JL, Giles GG.(Source from Cancer Epidemiology Centre, Cancer Council Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia., Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010 Nov;19(11):2978-86. Epub 2010 Sep 24.), posted in PubMed, researchers found that Adult weight change was positively associated with coloncancer risk for men (HR, 1.11 per 5-kg increment; 95% CI, 1.03-1.20), but not women (HR, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.94-1.07). Men who gained ≥20 kg from age 18 had an increased risk of colon cancer compared with men whose weight was stable (HR, 1.47; 95% CI, 0.94-2.31) and concluded that
Weight gain during adult life increases men's risk of colon cancer.

5. Etc.

 Treatments of Obesity and Colon Cancer
1. according to the abstract of the study of " Colorectal cancer screening and prevention in women" by Krishnan S, Wolf JL. (Source from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA, Womens Health (Lond Engl). 2011 Mar;7(2):213-26), posted in PubMed, researchers stated that new studies have shown other factors such as obesity and smoking to increase the risk of CRC in women. This article highlights issues unique to women with regards to CRC and outlines special considerations for determining screening intervals in women, identifies factors that make screening more difficult in women, and reviews studies that identify preventative strategies which, together with screening, may reduce the burden of CRC.

2. According to the study of "Diet-induced weight loss reduces colorectal inflammation: implications for colorectal carcinogenesis" by Pendyala S, Neff LM, Suárez-Fariñas M, Holt PR. (Source from Clinical and Translational Science Center, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10065, USA., Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Feb;93(2):234-42. Epub 2010 Dec 8.), posted in PubMed, researchers found that Our data show that diet-induced weight loss in obese individuals reduces colorectal inflammation and greatly modulates inflammatory and cancer-related gene pathways. These data imply that obesity is accompanied by inflammation in the colorectal mucosa and that diet-induced weight loss reduces this inflammatory state and may thereby lower CRC risk.

3. According to the study of "Diet and colorectal cancer: implications for the obese and devotees of the Atkins diet" by Fleming ME, Sales KM, Winslet MC.(Source from University Department of Surgery, Royal Free and University College Medical School, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK, Colorectal Dis. 2005 Mar;7(2):128-32.), posted in PubMed, researchers indicated that Obesity has been demonstrated to be a major factor in the increase in CRC although links to changes in diet are more tenuous. Published studies on diet suggest the Atkins diet may help reduce rather than increase the risk of CRC.

4. Etc.

The Obesity' Research and Studies of Should dosing of rocuronium in obese patients be based on ideal or corrected body weight?

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Obesity is a medical condition of excess body fat accumulated overtime, while overweight is a condition of excess body weight relatively to the height. According to the Body Mass Index(BMI), a BMI between 25 to 29.9 is considered over weight, while a BMI of over 30 is an indication of obesity. According to the statistic, 68% of American population are either overweight or obese.

You can calculate your BMI index BMI= weight (kg)/ height (m2)

Should dosing of rocuronium in obese patients be based on ideal or corrected body weight?

In the evaluation of Fifty-one obese patients, with a median (range) body mass index of 44 (34-72) kg/m2, scheduled for laparoscopic gastric banding or gastric bypass under propofol-remifentanil anesthesia were randomized into three groups. The patients received rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg) based on IBW (IBW group, n = 17), IBW plus 20% of excess weight (corrected body weight [CBW]20% group, n = 17), or IBW plus 40% of excess weight (CBW40% group, n = 17). Propofol was administered as a bolus of 200 mg and an infusion at 5 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1) and remifentanil was administered at 1.0 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1), both according to CBW40%, found that The median (range) duration of action was 32 (18-49), 38 (25-66), and 42 (24-66) min in the IBW, CBW20%, and CBW40% groups, respectively (P = 0.001 for comparison of the IBW and CBW40% group). There were no significant differences in onset time (85 vs 84 vs 80 s) or in intubation conditions 90 s after administration of rocuronium(1)

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(1) "Should dosing of rocuronium in obese patients be based on ideal or corrected body weight?" by Meyhoff CS, Lund J, Jenstrup MT, Claudius C,Sørensen AM, Viby-Mogensen J, Rasmussen LS.