Saturday, June 11, 2016

Herbal therapy: Popular Herbal Ginkgo biloba

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

                         Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is oldest living tree species, genus Ginkgo, belonging to the family Ginkgoaceae, native to China, from temperate zone to subtropical zone and some parts of north America. It Has been used in traditional herbal medicine in treating impotence, memory loss,respiratory diseases, circulatory disorders and deafness as well as preventing drunkenness, and bedwetting.

Health Benefits
1. Brain-cognition effects
Ginkgo Biloba extract (GBE) have exhibited the function of alleviating symptoms of cognitive impairment in aging populationby increasing the SSVEP(state visually evoked potentia) amplitude at occipital and frontal sites and SSVEP latency at left temporal and left frontal sites, according to the study of "Examining brain-cognition effects of ginkgo biloba extract: brain activation in the left temporal and left prefrontal cortex in an object working memory task" by Silberstein RB, Pipingas A, Song J, Camfield DA, Nathan PJ, Stough C., posted in PubMed(1)

2. Acute cognitive effects
Administration of GBE complexed with phosphatidylserine have exerted the results of improingsecondary memory performance and speed of memory task performance, according to the study of "Acute cognitive effects of standardisedGinkgo biloba extract complexed with phosphatidylserine" by Kennedy DO, Haskell CF, Mauri PL, Scholey AB., posted in PubMed(2)

3. Tinnitus
A Randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials of Ginkgo biloba extract have shown the evidence of efficacy in the treatment of tinnitus from three trials in patients in whom tinnitus was the primary complaint according to the study of "Ginkgo biloba extract in the treatment of tinnitus: a systematic review" by von Boetticher A., posted in PubMed(3)

4. Tardive dyskinesia
Extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb) has exerted the activity as an antioxidant in scavenging free radicals for tardive dyskinesia (TD) in in schizophrenia patients by significantly decreased the AIMS(Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale) total score in patients with TD, according to the study of "Extract of Ginkgo bilobatreatment for tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial" by Zhang WF, Tan YL, Zhang XY, Chan RC, Wu HR, Zhou DF., posted in PubMed(4)

5. Respiratory inflammationCombinations of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (EGb761) plus the carotenoid antioxidant astaxanthin (ASX) and vitamin C have exhibited the property for the prevention of onset of acute and chronic inflammatory disease, according to the study of "Summative interaction between astaxanthin, Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb761) and vitamin C in suppression of respiratory inflammation: a comparison with ibuprofen" by Haines DD, Varga B, Bak I, Juhasz B, Mahmoud FF, Kalantari H, Gesztelyi R, Lekli I, Czompa A, Tosaki A., posted in PubMed(5)

6. Ischemic brain injury
Standardized extract of Ginkgo biloba has demonstarted the activity of protecting neuronal cells against ischemic brain injury through the specific up- and down-modulation of various proteins, according to the study of "Identification of proteins differentially expressed in cerebral cortexes of Ginkgo biloba extract(EGb761)-treated rats in a middle cerebral artery occlusion model--a proteomics approach" by Koh PO., posted in PubMed(6)

7. Colon cancer
Standardized extract of Ginkgo biloba has exhibited the function of inhibition of the progression of human colon cancer cells, according to the study of "Effects ofGinkgo biloba extract EGb761 on human colon adenocarcinoma cells" by Chen XH, Miao YX, Wang XJ, Yu Z, Geng MY, Han YT, Wang LX., posted in PubMed(7)

8. Hypertension
Ginkgo enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilation and elevation of the endothelial intracellular Ca(2+) level in SHR, resulting in hypotension, according to the study of "Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on blood pressure and vascular endothelial response by acetylcholine in spontaneously hypertensive rats" by Kubota Y, Tanaka N, Kagota S, Nakamura K, Kunitomo M, Umegaki K, Shinozuka K., posted in PubMed(8)

(9) Osteoporosis
Extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb) significantly impprove the percentage of the bone by reversing the loss of the percentage of the alveolar bone of the mandible and of the percentage of trabecular bone of the femur, according to the study of "Evidences of osteoporosis improvement in Wistar rats treated with Ginkgo biloba extract: a histomorphometric study of mandible and femur" by Lucinda LM, Vieira BJ, Oliveira TT, Sá RC, Peters VM, Reis JE, Guerra MO., posted in PubMed(9)

10. Cardiovascular tissues
Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb) has shown the protection of the cardiovascular tissues against HgCl(2)-induced oxidative damage, according to the study of "Protective effects of Ginkgo biloba extract against mercury(II)-induced cardiovascular oxidative damage in rats" by Tunali-Akbay T, Sener G, Salvarli H, Sehirli O, Yarat A., posted in PubMed(10)

11. Hyperlipidemia
Ginkgo biloba leaves (EGB) has demonstrated the activities of limitation of the absorption of cholesterol, inactivation of HMGCoA and favorable regulation of profiles of essential polyunsaturated fatty acid (EFA), according to the study of "Application of GC/MS-based metabonomic profiling in studying the lipid-regulating effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats" by Zhang Q, Wang GJ, A JY, Wu D, Zhu LL, Ma B, Du Y., posted in PubMed(11)

12. Sarcopenia
Sarcopenia is the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength due to aging. EGb 761, the extract of Ginkgo biloba restored a more juvenile gene expression pattern by regenerating the aged muscle and reversing the age-related metabolic shift from lipids to glucose utilization. according to the study of "Theextract of Ginkgo biloba EGb 761 reactivates a juvenile profile in the skeletal muscle of sarcopenic rats by transcriptional reprogramming" by Bidon C, Lachuer J, Molgó J, Wierinckx A, de la Porte S, Pignol B, Christen Y, Meloni R, Koenig H, Biguet NF, Mallet J., posted in PubMed(12)

13. Oral cavity cancer
kaempferol and quercetin of EGb 761, extracted from Ginkgo biloba leaves have induced caspase-3-dependent apoptosis of oral cavity cancer cells and can be considered as possible anti-oral cavity cancer agents, according to the study of 'Kaempferol and quercetin, components of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761), induce caspase-3-dependent apoptosis in oral cavity cancer cells" Kang JW, Kim JH, Song K, Kim SH, Yoon JH, Kim KS., posted in PubMed(13)

14. Pancreatic cancer
Ginkgo biloba extract kaempferol has effectively inhibited the pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and induced cancer cell apoptosis, according to the study of "Ginkgo biloba extract kaempferol inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells" by Zhang Y, Chen AY, Li M, Chen C, Yao Q., posted in PubMed(14)

15. Erectile dysfunction
The extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves (EGb 761) significantly decreased the NCE latency, but increased the number of NCEs and the dopamine levels in the BNST and MPOA in rats, ."Ginkgo biloba extract treatment increases noncontact erections and central dopamine levels in rats: role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the medial preoptic area" by Yeh KY, Liu YZ, Tai MY, Tsai YF. posted in PubMed(15)

16. Etc.

Side effects
1. Ginkgo biloba extract can interact with anti coagulation medication, if you are taking warfarin, coumadin, aspirin, heparin etc., please consult with your doctor before taking Ginkgo biloba.
2. Allergic effect to certain people
3. It also interacts with Anticonvulsant, Antidepressant, Antihypertensive medications, etc. due to the presence of Amentoflavone in its leaves
4. Etc.

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Most Common Diseases of Men of 50Plus - Testosterone Deficiency - The Complication of Obesity

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Testosterone and testosterone deficiency
Testosterone is a male hormone. Besides promoting libido it has other important functions such as maintaining muscle mass and forming bone, regulating heart muscle and cholesterol. It also helps to improve the oxygen levels throughout the body as well as controlling blood glucose and strengthening the immune system.Starting at age 40, levels of testosterone start to diminish, the levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT thus triggering low levels of testosterone(source from testosterone deficiency and heart diseases).

Obese men have high levels of both estrogen and estradiol, because of male hormones are being converted to estrogen when fat cells synthesize the aromatase enzyme. Study shows that fat tissues have been shown to aromatize testosterone resulting in increasing of estrogen.

II. Obesity caused by Testosterone Deficiency
Testosterone deficiency is caused by the production of aromataze enzyme in fat cells as well as in the intake of saturated fat.

1. Aging
Aging people have great difficulty in losing weight because starting at the age of 40 the levels of prolactin increases, stimulating the conversion of dihydro-testosterone resulting in increased levels of estrogen causing enlarged prostate and abdominal fat in some men.

2. Insulin resistance
Low levels of testosterone cause excess insulin in the bloodstream resulting in depletion of glucose and creating a cognition of reactive hypoglycemia that generates a constant craving for sugar. Too much insulin prevents the release of fat, in other words causing fat build up resulting in fat build up and obesity.

3. DHEA deficiency
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a substance made by the adrenal gland. It is the precursor of the sex steroids estrogen and testosterone. DHEA has some male hormone effects and deficiency of DHEA contributes to fatigue, poor concentration and diminished overall body functions and fat build up.

4. Aromatase
Aromatase is an enzyme of the cytochrome P450 superfamily, whose function is to aromatize androgen and produce estrogen. As men age they produce greater amounts of aromatase enzymes that cause the conversion of testosterone into estrogen resulting in male hormone deficiency and obesity.

5. Vitamins and minerals deficiency
Vitamins and minerals are natural aromatase enzyme inhibitors helping to block the conversion of testosterone into excess estrogen. Vitamins and minerals deficiency levels block the pituitary gland from releasing lutein and follicle stimulation of hormone which stimulates the production of testosterone resulting in low levels of testosterone and insulin resistance as well as fat build up.

III. Symptoms of Obesity caused by Testosterone Deficiency
The obese men caused by testosterone deficiency have the: same symptom of the aging men as we mentioned in other articles, such as
1. Decreased sexual function
2. Loss of bone density
3. Graving for sugars
4. Loss of muscle mass
5. Overweight and abdominal fat
6. Memory loss
7. Poor concentration, etc.

IV. Prevention and treatment
Natural remedies used include foods, nutritional supplements, herbs and Chinese herbs that help to increase the levels of free testosterone and to lose weight.
Egg contains zinc, iron, vitamin A, antioxidants, protein and testosterone. The antioxidants and testosterone present in egg have an effect in testosterone-boosting ratio of saturated fat to polyunsaturated . The high amounts of vitamins B5 and B6 in egg also helps to balance the hormone levels in our body and fight stress. Overloading with eggs may increase levels of cholesterol but eating one egg a day is ideal for vitalizing and regenerative effects resulting in more production of testosterone.

2. Cold water fish
Besides plenty of omega 3 and 6, cold water fish is an excellent source of vitamin A and zinc that helps the binding of sex hormones, specifically testosterone and estradiol.

Yohimbe contains the compound yohimbine that has been used as a major ingredient in several prescription drugs for impotence. Yohimbine helps impotence caused by poor circulation and emotional problems resulting in raising your testosterone levels and your libido and reducing appetite.

4. Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto helps to promote prostate health and increase sexual stimulation. It also helps estrogen and estrogen receptor activity resulting in a healthy hormone balance, thus increasing sexual desire in men.

5.Tongkat ali
Tongkat ali has been shown to raise testosterone by stimulating the leydig cells of the testicles to produce more testosterone. Tangkat ali also helps in supporting erectile function and ejaculatory function resulting in increased size of male penis and sexual desire.

6. Reishi Reishi is a supreme protector that helps to strengthen the immune system, anti-forgoing stress, improves blood, and qi circulation and memory. Reishi also helps to protect the liver from toxins and protect the lungs from pollutants as aresulting of eliminating the surplus of estrogen and sex hormone binding globulinand helping the release of human growth hormone (HGH).

7. Horny Goat Weed
Horny goat weed contains a variety of flavonoids such as icariin that helps to relax the blood vessels leading to the penis, which allows them to expand resulting in stronger and harder erection. It also helps to treat low levels of testosterone and increased sexual desire at the same time.

8. Garlic
Garlic is one of nature's superfoods that helps lower levels of cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure and increases circulation of oxygen levels in bloodstream. Garlic is also a stimulant that helps to increase men's libido by promoting the production of sex hormone in the pituitary gland. Please consult with your doctor if you have any bleeding problems before taking garlic supplements.

9. Zinc and iron
Deficiency of zinc and iron causes the depletion of oxygen levels and poor circulation of the bloodstream as indirectly resulting in erectile dysfunction. Since zinc also promotes healthy prostate glands that increases the release of prostate fluids that helps to stimulate the sexual desire by increasing the production of levels of free testosterone.

10. Choromium picolinate
Choromium not only helps to stabilize blood glucose levels and stop the craving for sweets, it also helps to increase lean body as well as reducing insulin resistance.

11. DHEA
DHEA allows our body to create other hormones such as testosterone. The deficiency of DHEA causes the deficiency of other sex hormones resulting in loss of bone density, increasing of body mass, hardening of blood vessels, low sex drive. It also help to boost the insulin growth factor resulting in weight loss.

12. L- carnitin
L-caritin helps to take the fatty acid inside the cells and burn them up.

13. Excersise
Walking 50 minutes a week will help to improve the circulation of oxygen levels in the bloodstream and increase the human growth hormone as well as helping to regulate the testosterone levels in the body.

14. Cut down intake of saturated fat and trans fat
Our brain needs fat to function better, but unhealthy diet that is high in saturated fat and trans fat causes not only the build up of the abdominal area but also increases the risk of hormone imbalance by stimulating the binding of sex hormone binding globulin which clogs up testosterone receptor sites resulting in low levels of free testosterone, sexual desire and overweight.

15. Stop smoking and reduce intake of acohol
Cigarette is a stimulant that not only increases heart beat but also causes the depletion of oxygen levels in the blood stream. It also increases binding of SHBG resulting in lowered levels of free testosterone and Excessive drinking impairs the function of liver resulting in hormone imbalance as well as increasing the levels of estrogen.

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The Holistic prevention, management and treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Differentiation of Possible PCOs Diets

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar, Master of Nutrients), all right reserved.
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined as endocrinologic diseases among reproductive-age women caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries associated with a high risk for metabolic disorder(1) as resulting of enlarged ovaries(2), leading to hormone imbalance(excessive androgen and anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) )(1)(3)(4)(5), induced Hirsutism(6)(7), reproductive disorder(10(12)), risks of type 2 diabetes(9)(10)(11), metabolic syndrome(10)(12) and early cardiovascular disease(8)(13), acne(10)(14), endometrial cancer(18)(19),weight gain and obesity(15)(16)(17). The syndrome effects over 5% of women population or 1 in 20 women.
Unfortunately, according to studies, women with PCOs after the reproductive age, are associated to continuously increase risk of type II diabetes, with no increasingaltered glucose tolerance(20), CVD and hypertension(21).

The prevention and management

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is unpreventable in Western medicine. Early diagnosis and treatment may reduce risk of its complications, including infertility, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, etc.

Although PCOS cannot be completely avoided, strengthening immunity has shown a significant reduction of chronic inflammatory diseases(266)(267)(268).

The differentiation of Possible PCOs Diet

1. High Protein Diet with Low-Glycemic-Load Hypocaloric Diet
Diet with 30% of protein is now considered reasonable, high protein diet is the term reserved for consumption of 50% or more.
Suggestions in linking High Protein Diet with Low-Glycemic-Load Hypocaloric Diet to control and combat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have drawn attention in scientific community over last decade. It may be due to its effect in lowing density lipoprotein cholesterol( LDL-C ), reduction of insulin sensitive and androgen levels in PCO patients(626a). But epidemiological studies focusing the benefit of diets in treating obese and overweight patients have produced an inclusive results. The National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute showed that both composition may lead to significantly reduced body weight and androgen levels. Compared with a conventional diet, the combination of high-protein and low-glycemic-load foods and Hypocaloric diett also found to be effective in enhanced insulin sensitivity and decreased hsCRP level (626). But the alternation of metabolic rate of hypocaloric diet in glucose utilization and decreased antioxidant defenses, in some cases may result in life-threatening(634).

2. Hypocaloric diet
Comparison with Metformin in the same subjects, hypocaloric(low calories) diet showed a reduction of 5-10% of weight on markers of insulin resistance with equal efficacy with Metformin in decreasing serum hs-CRP levels(627) and improving inflammatory biomarkers and adipokines independently of dietary composition(628). A 20 weeks of a high-protein energy-restricted diet to evaluate the Markers of endothelial dysfunction, including elevated markers of endothelial dysfunction, presented in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome, showed an significant weight loss, improved testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin and the free androgen index (FAI) and insulin resistance(629). Sibutramine(the hydrochloride monohydrate salt) removed from the market because of the concerns of risk of heart attack and stroke. A comparison test with hypocaloric diet, showed a significant weight loss in overweight and obese women with PCOS and improvement in hyperandrogenemia and insulin sensitivity after 6 months of treatment(630). Clomiphene citrate (CC) used conjunction with hypocaloric diet with structured exercise training (SET) after 6 weeks in overweight and obese CC-resistant PCOS patients, enhanced the probability of ovulation under CC treatment, through a significant improvement in clinical and biochemical androgen and insulin sensitivity indexes(631).
A comparison of a hypocaloric low-fat diet with those of a very low carbohydratediet, showed the positive effects in both diets in significant improvements in BMI, WC, and menstrual function and induced weight loss through targeting both the menstrual dysfunction and risk factors for long-term morbidity associated withPCOS in adolescents(632). Short-term hypocaloric diet including high protein (HP: 30% protein, 40% carbohydrate, and 30% fat) or high carbohydrate (HC: 15% protein, 55% carbohydrate, and 30% fat) showed a significant weight loss reduction and improvement in their reproductive and metabolic abnormalities with no increased benefit to a high-protein diet(633).
Some researchers suggested that Hypocaloric (low-calorie) diets can alter your metabolic rate in glucose utilization and decreased antioxidant defenses, in some case may result in life-threatening(634).

3. Low-carbohydrate diet
A high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet has been used in medicineprimarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children with purpose to induce the body to burn fat other than carbohydrate. A PCOs women 24 weeks study with limit carbohydrate intake to 20 grams or less per day, showed non-significant decreases in insulin, glucose, testosterone, HgbA1c, triglyceride, and perceived body hair but improvement in weight, percent free testosterone, LH/FSH ratio, and fasting insulin in women with obesity(635). According to the University of Padova study, "Epidemiological studies over last decade or so has provided evidence of the therapeutic potential of ketogenic diets in many pathological conditions, such as diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, acne, neurological diseases, cancer and the amelioration of respiratory and cardiovascular disease risk factors"(636). Some researchers insisted that the presence of high levels of insulin in the blood causes unnecessary water retention in the body(637) and the diet may produce a short term effect through eliminating excess body fat but may cause dehydration as an early-onset complication(638)

4. Low glycemic index diet
Glycemic index diet originally is developed to help improve blood sugar control in diabetes by choosing foods Low-GI foods (55 and under) for steadier rise in blood sugar. A Twenty-six participants recruited at baseline, 22 commenced and 21 participants completed the low-GI dietary intervention phase, low glycemic diet improved insulin sensitivity, changes of lipids(639). Comparison of low glycemic index with a conventional healthy diet in overweight and obese premenopausal women, low glycemic index attendants showed to improve more in glucose tolerance through oral-glucose-tolerance test (ISI(OGTT)), menstrual cyclicity, with serum fibrinogen concentrations significant differences between diets(640). Researchers also suggested that longer term compliance needs more evaluation in subsequent studies to reduced long term health risks to women with PCOS on alow GI diet(642). In comparison of low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-glycemic index diet on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus, some researchers suggested that the diet containing fewer carbohydrates, the low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet, was more effective for improving glycemic control than the low glycemic diet(641).

5. High-protein diet
High-protein diet is a diet mostly recommended for people who want to build muscle and lose fat. A comparison of a high protein (HP) and a normal protein (NP) diet on patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in 8-week randomized trial, showed a significantly reduced body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, percent of body fat, decreased total testosterone inPCOs(643). In fact, increased dietary protein-to-carbohydrate ratios showed no differences in testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, and blood lipids between the groups after 6 months, but adjustment for weight changes led to significantly lower testosterone concentrations in the standard-protein (SP) diet group, according to the University of Copenhagen(644). Unfortunately, some studies showed that consumption of HP diets may cause alterations in renal health status and some metabolic parameters(645) and reduce the level of osteocalcin(646)

7. High monounsaturated fat diet
High monounsaturated fat diet is a diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids (HMUFA) for a replacment of daily intake of bad fat. In a comparison of Carbohydrate-restricted diets high in either monounsaturated fat or protein, showed that magnitude of weight loss was smaller in the LF-HP group than in the HF-SP(647). The Mediterranean diet, a High monounsaturated fat diet is characterized by a high intake of olive oil, plant products, fish and seafood; a low intake of dairies, meat and meat products; and a moderate ethanol intake, but unfortunately,exploring the relationship between the Mediterranean diet and overweight/obesity is complex with inclusive results. Some studies indicated a significantly related to less overweight/obesity or more weight loss but many found no evidence of this association(648).

8. Low fat diet
Low fat diet restricts consumption of fat and stresses foods high in carbohydrates, mostly recommended to patients with some gallbladder conditions. A comparison of hormonal and metabolic markers after a high-fat, Western meal versus a low-fat, high-fiber meal in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, showed a reduction of free testosterone within 2 hours after both meals, however, the levels of testosterone remained below premeal values for 4 hours after the isocaloric low-fat, high-fiber meal (HIFIB) meal and 6 hours after the a high-fat, Western meal (HIFAT) meal. Levels of glucose was higher for 1 hour after the HIFIB meal compared with the HIFAT meal. DHEAS decreased 8%-10% within 2-3 hours after both meals, then increased during the remainder of the study period. Cortisol decreased during the 6-hour period after both meals(649). Suggestion of individuals on a low-fat vegan must ensure adequate intakes of of vitamin D, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B12, phosphorous, and selenium(650).

Taking all together, there are subtle differences but correlation between diets, a monounsaturated fat-enriched diet induced greater weight loss, a low-glycemic index diet enhanced menstrual regularity, a high-carbohydrate diet increased free androgen index, a low-carbohydrate or low-glycemic index diet induced greater reductions in insulin resistance, fibrinogen, total testosterone, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a low-glycemic index diet improved quality of life, a high-protein diet.improved depression and self-esteem for a high-protein diet. Maximize weight loss control is important for women with PCOS regardless of dietary composition which should target all overweight women with PCOS through reducing calories with adequate nutritional intake and healthy food choices irrespective of diet composition(651).

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(1) Adiposity and metabolic dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome by Sam S.(PubMed)
(2) A "kiss" before conception: triggering ovulation with kisspeptin-54 may improve IVF by Young SL.(PubMed)
(3.) Androgen hyperfunction and excessive heterosexual hair growth in women, with special attention to the polycystic ovarian syndrome by Lunde O1.(PubMed)
(4) Expression of anti-Müllerian hormone in letrozole rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome by Du DF1, Li XL, Fang F, Du MR.(PubMed)
(5) [Serum levels of anti-muller hormone in women with polycystic ovary syndromeand healthy women of reproductive age].[Article in Bulgarian] by Parahuleva N, Pehlivanov B, Orbecova M, Deneva T, Uchikova E.(PubMed)
(6) [Current opinions on the etiology and pathophysiology of hirsutism].[Article in Polish] by Krysiak R1, Kedzia A, Okopień B.(PubMed)
(7) The clinical evaluation of hirsutism by Somani N1, Harrison S, Bergfeld WF.(PubMed)
(8) Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin: our understanding in the past, present and future by Mayer SB1, Evans WS, Nestler JE.(PubMed)
(9) Association of mean platelet volume with androgens and insulin resistance in nonobese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome by Dogan BA1, Arduc A2, Tuna MM1, Karakılıc E1, Dagdelen I1, Tutuncu Y1, Berker D1, Guler S1.(PubMed)
(10) Approach to the patient: contraception in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Yildiz BO1.(PubMed)
(11) Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): a significant contributor to the overall burden of type 2 diabetes in women by Talbott EO1, Zborowski JV, Rager JR, Kip KE, Xu X, Orchard TJ.(PubMed)
(12) Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Slovak women with polycystic ovary syndrome and its relation to metabolic and reproductive abnormalities by Figurová J1, Dravecká I, Javorský M, Petríková J, Lazúrová I.(PubMed)
(13) Role of Insulin Sensitizers on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis by Thethi TK1, Katalenich B2, Nagireddy P3, Chabbra P4, Kuhadiya N5, Fonseca V1.(PubMed)
(14) Acne in hirsute women by Lumezi BG1, Pupovci HL1, Berisha VL1, Goçi AU2, Gerqari A3.(PubMed)
(15) Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome by Naderpoor N1, Shorakae S, Joham A, Boyle J, De Courten B, Teede HJ.(PubMed)
(16) Polycystic ovary syndrome: a complex condition with psychological, reproductive and metabolic manifestations that impacts on health across the lifespan by Teede H1, Deeks A, Moran L.(PubMed)
(17) Metabolic Evidence of Diminished Lipid Oxidation in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. by Whigham LD1, Butz DE2, Dashti H3, Tonelli M3, Johnson LK1, Cook ME2, Porter WP4, Eghbalnia HR5, Markley JL6, Lindheim SR7, Schoeller DA8, Abbott DH9, Assadi-Porter FM10.(PubMed)
(18) Risk of endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Barry JA1, Azizia MM1, Hardiman PJ2.(PubMed)
(19) Risk of cancer among women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a Danish cohort study by Gottschau M1, Kjaer SK2, Jensen A1, Munk C1, Mellemkjaer L3.(PubMed)
(20) Polycystic ovary syndrome: metabolic consequences and long-term management by Carmina E1.(PubMed)
(21) Arterial stiffness is increased in asymptomatic nondiabetic postmenopausal women with a polycystic ovary syndrome phenotype by Armeni E1, Stamatelopoulos K, Rizos D, Georgiopoulos G, Kazani M, Kazani A, Kolyviras A, Stellos K, Panoulis K, Alexandrou A, Creatsa M, Papamichael C, Lambrinoudaki I.(PubMed)
(266) [Immunopathological responses in women with chronic inflammatorydiseases of the uterus and appendages and their therapeutic correction].[Article in Russian] by Medvedev BI1, Kazachkova EA, Kazachkov EL.(PubMed)
(267) Cross Talk Between ER Stress, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Health and Disease by Dandekar A1, Mendez R, Zhang K.(PubMed)
(268) New dog and new tricks: evolving roles for IL-33 in type 2 immunity by Lott JM1, Sumpter TL1, Turnquist HR2.(PubMed)
(626) Beneficial effects of a high-protein, low-glycemic-load hypocaloric diet in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled intervention study by Mehrabani HH, Salehpour S, Amiri Z, Farahani SJ, Meyer BJ, Tahbaz F.(PubMed)
(626a) The beneficial effects of High Protein Diet with Low-Glycemic-Load Hypocaloric Diet in overweight and obese women with PCOs: a ramdomized control conventional study(Research online, University of Wollongong)
(627) Effect of metformin compared with hypocaloric diet on serum C-reactive protein level and insulin resistance in obese and overweight women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Esfahanian F, Zamani MM, Heshmat R, Moini nia F.(PubMed)
(628) Effect of a low-fat versus a low-gycemic-load diet on inflammatory biomarker and adipokine concentrations by Heggen E, Klemsdal TO, Haugen F, Holme I, Tonstad S.(PubMed)
(629) The effect of diet and exercise on markers of endothelial function in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary eby Thomson RL, Brinkworth GD, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Norman RJ, Buckley JD.(PubMed)
(630) Effect of hypocaloric diet plus sibutramine treatment on hormonal and metabolic features in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized, 24-week study by Florakis D, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Katsikis I, Nassis GP, Karkanaki A, Georgopoulos N, Panidis D.(PubMed)
(631) Six weeks of structured exercise training and hypocaloric diet increases the probability of ovulation after clomiphene citrate in overweight and obese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial by Palomba S, Falbo A, Giallauria F, Russo T, Rocca M, Tolino A, Zullo F, Orio F.(PubMed)
(632) Effect of weight loss on menstrual function in adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome by Ornstein RM, Copperman NM, Jacobson MS.(PubMed)
(633) A randomized trial of the effects of two types of short-term hypocaloric diets on weight loss in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Stamets K, Taylor DS, Kunselman A, Demers LM, Pelkman CL, Legro RS.(PubMed)
(634) Toxicity of hypercaloric diet and monosodium glutamate: oxidative stress and metabolic shifting in hepatic tissue by Diniz YS, Fernandes AA, Campos KE, Mani F, Ribas BO, Novelli EL.(PubMed)
(635) The effects of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet on the polycystic ovary syndrome: a pilot study by Mavropoulos JC, Yancy WS, Hepburn J, Westman EC.(PubMed)
(636) Beyond weight loss: a review of the therapeutic uses of very-low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets by Paoli A, Rubini A, Volek JS, Grimaldi KA.(PubMed)
(637) Eades, M. (1995) The Protein Power Lifeplan, Warner Books.
(638) Early- and Late-onset Complications of the Ketogenic Diet for Intractable Epilepsy by Hoon Chul Kang1, Da Eun Chung1, Dong Wook Kim2, Heung Dong Kim (Wily online library)
(639) An isocaloric low glycemic index diet improves insulin sensitivity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Barr S, Reeves S, Sharp K, Jeanes YM.(PubMed)
(640) Effect of a low glycemic index compared with a conventional healthy diet on polycystic ovary syndrome by Marsh KA, Steinbeck KS, Atkinson FS, Petocz P, Brand-Miller JC.(PubMed)
(641) The effect of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-glycemic index diet on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus by Eric C Westman1*, William S Yancy12, John C Mavropoulos1, Megan Marquart1 and Jennifer R McDuffie(Nutrition&Metabolism)
(642) Evaluating compliance to a low glycaemic index (GI) diet in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by Egan N, Read A, Riley P, Atiomo W.(PubMed)
(643) Effect of high-protein or normal-protein diet on weight loss, body composition, hormone, and metabolic profile in southern Brazilian women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized study by Toscani MK, Mario FM, Radavelli-Bagatini S, Wiltgen D, Matos MC, Spritzer PM.(PubMed)
(644) Carbohydrate-restricted diets high in either monounsaturated fat or protein are equally effective at promoting fat loss and improving blood lipids by Luscombe-Marsh ND, Noakes M, Wittert GA, Keogh JB, Foster P, Clifton PM.(PubMed)
(645) Effects of high-whey-protein intake and resistance training on renal, bone and metabolic parameters in rats by Aparicio VA, Nebot E, Porres JM, Ortega FB, Heredia JM, López-Jurado M, Ramírez PA.(PubMed)
(646) Effects of dietary protein and glycaemic index on biomarkers of bone turnover in children by Dalskov SM1, Müller M2, Ritz C1, Damsgaard CT1, Papadaki A3, Saris WH4, Astrup A1, Michaelsen KF1, Mølgaard C1; on behalf of DiOGenes(PubMed)
(647) Carbohydrate-restricted diets high in either monounsaturated fat or protein are equally effective at promoting fat loss and improving blood lipids by Luscombe-Marsh ND, Noakes M, Wittert GA, Keogh JB, Foster P, Clifton PM.(PubMed)
(648) Obesity and the Mediterranean diet: a systematic review of observational and intervention studies by Buckland G, Bach A, Serra-Majem L.(PubMed)
(649) Comparison of hormonal and metabolic markers after a high-fat, Western meal versus a low-fat, high-fiber meal in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Katcher HI, Kunselman AR, Dmitrovic R, Demers LM, Gnatuk CL, Kris-Etherton PM, Legro RS.(PubMed)
(650) Effects of a low-fat vegan diet and a Step II diet on macro- and micronutrient intakes in overweight postmenopausal women by Turner-McGrievy GM, Barnard ND, Scialli AR, Lanou AJ.(PubMed)
(651) Dietary composition in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review to inform evidence-based guidelines by Moran LJ, Ko H, Misso M, Marsh K, Noakes M, Talbot M, Frearson M, Thondan M, Stepto N, Teede HJ.(PubMed)

Most Common Disease of elder: The Clinical trials and Studies of Musculo-Skeletal disorders(MSDs) - Polymyalgia Arthritis (Rheumatica): The Individual herbs - Green Tea

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are medical condition mostly caused by work related occupations and working environment, affecting patients’ muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves and developing over time. A community sample of 73 females and 32 males aged 85 and over underwent a standardised examination at home. Musculoskeletal pain was reported by 57% of those interviewed(1).

Types of Musculo-Skeletal disorders in elder(2)
1. Osteoarthritis
2. Gout
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
4. Polymalgia Arthritis
5. Cervical myleopathy and spinal canal stenosis
6. Osteoporosis
7. Low back pain
8. Fibromyalgia

           Polymyalgia Arthritis (Rheumatica)

Polymalgia Arthritis is defined as a condition a common inflammatory rheumatic disease which causes pain, stiffness and tenderness in large muscles, including muscles shoulders and pelvic girdle as a result of the presence of a synovitis in proximal joints and periarticular structures.


B.2. Herbal and Traditional Chinese medicine
Herbal medicine from different cultures have been found effectively in reduced symptoms and treatment for patient with Polymyalagia Arthritis (Rheumatica), including
6. Green Tea
Green tea has been a precious drink in traditional Chinese culture and used exceptional in socialization for more than 4000 thousand years.
Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol present in green tea, according to the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, exhibited beneficial therapeutic functions including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects, through suppressing MAPK mediated inflammatory responses and oxidative stress(209).
In vascular inflammation, the phytochemical EGCG also regulated the overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in inhibition of inflammatory rheumatic activity(210).According to the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, epigallocatechin gallate and green tea extract, suppressed the condition caused in part by injury, loss of cartilage structure and function, through their effects in balanced inflammatory and anti-inflammatory pathways(454,211), probably caused by IL-1β, a major cytokine driving the inflammatory processes(455,212)(456,213).

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(209) Epigallocatechin-3-gallate attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced mastitis in rats via suppressing MAPK mediated inflammatory responses and oxidative stress by Chen J1, Xu J1, Li J1, Du L1, Chen T2, Liu P1, Peng S1, Wang M1, Song H3.(PubMed)

(210) Potential benefits of green tea polyphenol EGCG in the prevention and treatment of vascular inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis by Riegsecker S1, Wiczynski D, Kaplan MJ, Ahmed S.(PubMed)(454,211) Dietary polyphenols and mechanisms of osteoarthritis by Shen CL1, Smith BJ, Lo DF, Chyu MC, Dunn DM, Chen CH, Kwun IS.(PubMed)
(455,212) Green tea: a new option for the prevention or control of osteoarthritis by Katiyar SK, Raman C.(PubMed)
(456,213) Epigallocatechin-3-gallate selectively inhibits interleukin-1beta-induced activation of mitogen activated protein kinase subgroup c-Jun N-terminal kinase in human osteoarthritis chondrocytes by Singh R1, Ahmed S, Malemud CJ, Goldberg VM, Haqqi TM.(PubMed)

Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Therapy - Popular Chinese Herbs – Ban Lan Gen (Radix Isatidis)

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

               Ban Lan Gen (Radix Isatidis)

Ban Lan Gen is also known as indago woad root. The bitter and cold herb has been used in TCM to treat skin rash such as measles, syphilis, or scarlet fever and toxic heat, skin eruption, excessive thirst, nose bleeding and vomiting of blood as it clears Heat, expels toxins, cools Blood, resolves exanthema, etc. by enhancing the function of heart, lung, stomach channels.

1. Amino acid
2. Arginine
3. Proline
4. Glutamate
5. Tyrosine
6. γ-amino butyric acid
7. Leucine
8. Valine
9. 3-Indolylmethyl glucosinolate
10. Isatan B (Glucobr-assicin)
11. 1-Methoxy-3- indolylmethylglu-cosinolate (Neoglucobrassicin)
12. 1-Sulpho-3-indolymethyl glucosinolate
13. Etc.

Health Benefits

1. Anti bacteria:Four organic acids were: syringic acid, 2-amino-benzoic acid, salicylic acid, benzoic acid extracted from Ban Lan Gen have exerted the anti-bacterial activities of organic acids from Radix Isatidis on microorganism as the result of the presence of the influence of phenyl ring, according to the study of “Thermochemical studies on the quantity-antibacterial effect relationship of four organic acids from Radix Isatidis on Escherichia coli growth” by Kong W, Zhao Y, Shan L, Xiao X, Guo W.(1).

2. Immunological functions :polysaccharides found abundant in Ban Lan Gen Radix Isatidis has demonstrated the effectiveness in enhamcing the non-specific immunological function, humoral immunity and cellular immunity in mice, according to the study of “Effect of Radix isatidis polysaccharides on immunological function and expression of immune related cytokines in mice” by Zhao YL, Wang JB, Shan LM, Jin C, Ma L, Xiao XH.(2).

3. Endotoxic effect: O-aminobenzoic acid (OABA) isolated from Banlangen(BLG) has decreased significantly The The concentration of endotoxin induced fever in rabbits and the rate of lipopolysaccharides-induced death in mice dropped from 70% to 20%., according to the study of “The anti-endotoxic effect of o-aminobenzoic acid from Radix Isatidis” by Fang JG, Liu YH, Wang WQ, Xie W, Fang SX, Han HG.(3).

4. Reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) effect: Natural polysaccharide isolated fromBan Lan Gen has exerted the antiviral effect on PRRSV replication in MARC-145 cells and might be useful in medical development for antiviral research, according to the study of “Inhibitory effects of indigowoad root polysaccharides on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication in vitro” byWei ZY, Wang XB, Zhang HY, Yang CH, Wang YB, Xu DH, Chen HY, Cui BA.(4).

5. Anti-Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) activity: In the investigation of the anti-Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) activity of 50 traditional Chinese herbal medicines in order to provide the primary evidence for their use in clinical practice found that Rhizoma Coptidis, Radix Scutellariae and Radix isatidis are the potential sources for the synthesis of new drugs against H. pylori, according to the study of “Screening test for anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of traditional Chinese herbal medicines” by Ma F, Chen Y, Li J, Qing HP, Wang JD, Zhang YL, Long BG, Bai Y.(5).

6. Anti-inflammatory effects: Radix Isatidis (Banlangen in Chinese), has been used in TCM to clear away heat and toxic material, in this evaluation, Methanolic extracts of Radix Isatidis has exerted the anti-inflammatory effects of involve decreased production of inflammatory mediators, according to the study of “The anti-inflammatory effects of a methanolic extract from Radix Isatidis in murine macrophages and mice” by Shin EK, Kim DH, Lim H, Shin HK, Kim JK.(6).

7. Etc.

Side effects
1. prolong usage of Ban Lan Gen may cause internal bleeding and injury to blood producing function.
2. It may also cause allergic reactions included: dizziness, rash, purple lips and face
3. If you have kidney disease, please consult with your doctor or related field specialits before applying
4. Etc.

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Most Common Diseases of 50Plus:The Research and Studies of Coronary heart disease - Treatment In conventional medicine perspective

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

                 Cardiovascular Disease 

Cardiovascular disease is defined as medical conditions affecting the cardiovascular system, including heart, blood vessels(arteries and veins).
Beside cancer, heart disease kills more than 2,000 Americans everyday. Approximately 60 million Americans have heart disease.
There are many causes of heart diseases. Most of heart diseases are caused by high blood pressure contributes to hardening of the arteries. High levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) build up in the arteries as a result of uncontrolled diet with high levels of saturated fat and trans fat. All these add to the formation of atherosclerosis lesions and eventually arterial blockage or anything that serves to damage the inner lining of blood vessels and impedes the transportation of oxygen and nutrition to the heart can be defined as a risk of heart disease.

                Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease is defined as a condition of narrowing coronary arteries that lead to blockage of the blood flow in the arteries as a result of hardening arterial wall, cholesterol building up in the arteries, chemicals, such as cadmium clog up arteries, etc. affecting the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the United States.

                            The Treatment

In conventional medicine perspective

The aims of the treatment of Coronary heart disease (CHD) is to provide enough blood supply to the heart for oxygen demand, and prevent worsening of the disease. But if if you have blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol levels, you may be asked to take certain medicines to prevent coronary artery disease or prevent coronary artery disease from getting worse.
1. Medication and over counter medicine to treat symptoms of the disease
1.1. Aspirin
a. Many researchers believe that daily intake aspirin can reduce the risk of blood clots from forming in your arteries. In the study to determine the cardiovascular and coronary risk thresholds at which aspirin for primary prevention of coronary heart disease is safe and worthwhile, Dr. Sanmuganathan PS and the research team at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, indicated that Aspirin treatment for primary prevention is safe and worthwhile at coronary event risk >/= 1.5%/year; safe but of limited value at coronary risk 1%/year; and unsafe at coronary event risk 0.5%/year. Advice on aspirin for primary prevention requires formal accurate estimation of absolute coronary event risk(88).
b. Side effects are not limit to
b.1. Stomach pains
b.2. Feelings of nausea
b.3. Vomiting.
b.4. Allergic reaction to some people
b.5. Aspirin may interact with other medicine, such as blood thinning medicine
b.6. Etc. 

1.2. Beta-blockers
a. Beta blocker has been used to lower heart rate, blood pressure, and enhance oxygen to the heart. In the study of The 248 cases presented with new coronary heart disease from 1982 through 1984, and the 737 controls were a probability sample of health maintenance organization patients free of coronary heart disease. A withdrawal syndrome immediately following the cessation of beta-blocker use may be an acute precipitant of angina and myocardial infarction in hypertensive patients who have no prior history of coronary heart disease(89).
b. Side effects are not limit to
b.1. the medicine can cause allergic reaction to certain people, such as: rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing.
b.2. Easy bruising or bleeding,
b.3. Swollen hands or feet,
b.4. Confusion,
b.5. Depression
b.6. Etc.

1.3. Nitroglycerin
a. Nitroglycerin is used to treat ischemic cardiac pain. and improve blood flow to the heart. Transdermal nitrate delivery systems improve the quality of life in ambulant patients: anginal attacks are reduced with a minimum of side effects. The widespread acceptance of this novel form of drug delivery has stimulated its application in other therapeutic avenues. The efficacy of transdermal nitroglycerinin the suppression of silent ischemic attacks has been demonstrated(90)
b. Side effects are not limit to
b.1. Dizziness
b.2. Lightheadedness, or fainting when sitting up or standing
b.3. Flushing of face and neck
b.4. Headache
b.5. Irritation
b.6. Nausea
b.7. Vomiting
b.8. Etc. 

1.4. Calcium channel blockers
a. The medicine used to relax arteries, lower blood pressure, and reduce strain on the heart. Researchers suggested that Compared with clopidogrel without calcium-channel blockers (CCBs), clopidogrel with CCB does not increase the mortality or composite thromboembolic events in elderly CAD patients, but clopidogrel combined with nondihydropyridine CCB is associated with significantly increased composite thromboembolic events in comparison with dihydropyridine CCB(91).
b. Side effects are not limit to
b.1. Stomach pain
b.2. Constipation
b.3. Drowsiness
b.4. Fatigue Feelings of a rapidly or forcefully beating heart (palpitations)
b.5. Flushing or hot flashes
b.6. Headaches
b.7. Nausea
b.8. Etc.

1.5. Statins
a. The medicine used to lower cholesterol. Dr. Biasucci LM, and the scientists at the Sacro Cuore University, in the study ofStatins and coronary artery disease:clinical evidence and future perspective said
“The introduction of more powerful statins in the market offered the opportunity to study whether an intensive lipid lowering treatment could yields even better cardiovascular outcomes than a moderate statin therapy and several clinical trial confirmed this hypothesis. Statins have also pleiotropic effect behind their lipid lowering function: they reduce inflammation, which plays an important role in the atherosclerotic process”(92).
b. Side effects are limit to
b.1. Headache
b.2. Nausea
b.3. Vomiting
b.4. Constipation
b.5. Diarrhea
b.6. Weakness
b.7. Muscle pain
b.8. Etc.
1.6. Etc.
Some researchers suggested that Statin medication can be reduced on the basis of adverse effects only. Angiotensin convertase inhibitor medication is often forgotten in coronary artery disease patients who have undergone cardiac infarction or a temporary stage of cardiac insufficiency. Long-acting nitrate is not the first-line antianginal treatment, beta-blockers and calcium channelblockers being recommended instead.

2. Minimally invasive surgical methods
2.1. Coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
Coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is a procedure used to open narrow or blocked coronary (heart) arteries to restore blood flow to the heart muscle. 

2.2. Stent
A stent is a small mesh tube that’s used to treat narrow or weak arteries by improving blood flow and help prevent the arteries from bursting.

2.3. Atherectomy
Atherectomy is a minimally invasive surgical method of involving the removal of he plaque burden within the vessel, but it has also been used to treat coronary artery disease, albeit ineffectively.

2.4. Brachytherapy
Brachytherapy is a minimally invasive surgical method use of a type of energy, called ionizing radiation, to clear the blockage of the arteries.
2.5. Etc.

3. Surgery
Surgery may be necessary for certain patient depending to the severity of the disease or ineffective to the treatment of medication or minimally invasive surgical methods.
3.1. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a surgical procedure performed to reduce the risk of death from coronary artery disease by bypass atherosclerotic narrowings as arteries or veins from elsewhere in the patient’s body are grafted to the coronary arteries to improve the blood supply to the heart muscle. some researchers suggested that transthoracic echocardiography(TEE) prior to coronary artery bypass surgery can provides higher resolution images than transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Therefore one can conclude that TEE is the imaging modality of choice for detecting aortic atheromatous plaques but in patients with low risk for stroke and aortic atheromas, a detailed TTE may be sufficient for the pre-operative assessment(93).

3.2. Off-pump bypass surgery
Sometimes surgeons can perform open heart surgery without using a bypass pump. In the comparison of Coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) has traditionally been performed with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (on-pump CABG). CABG without cardiopulmonary bypass (off-pump CABG) might reduce the number of complications related to the heart-lung machine, showed that At 1 year of follow-up, patients in the off-pump group had worse composite outcomes and poorer graft patency than did patients in the on-pump group. No significant differences between the techniques were found in neuropsychological outcomes or use of major resources(94).

3.3. Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (CAB)
Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (CAB) is is a surgical procedure performed if only the front or right coronary arteries need bypass by replacing the blocked artery with an artery from the chest without opening your chest to detour the blockage. The surgical treatment rapidly gaining acceptance in the field of cardiac surgery. The advantages of decreased morbidity, shorter hospital stays, and recovery time are appealing to patients and surgeons(95).

3.4. Transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR)
Indirect revascularization is a therapeutic approach in case of severe angina not suitable for percutaneous or surgical revascularization. Transmyocardialrevascularization (TMR) is one of the techniques used for indirect revascularizationand it allows to create transmyocardial channels by a laser energy bundle delivered on left ventricular epicardial surface. Benefits of the procedure are related mainly to the angiogenesis caused by inflammation and secondly to the destruction of the nervous fibers of the heart. TMR is a safe and feasible procedure and it offers a therapeutic solution in case of untreatable angina. Moreover, it could be a hybrid approach for patients undergoing CABGs in case of absence of vessels suitable for surgical approach in limited areas of the heart(96).
3.5. Etc.

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The Obesity' Research and Studies - Endurance training per se increases metabolic health

Kyle J. Norton(Scholar and Master of Nutrients, all right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published on line, including world wide health, ezine articles, article base, healthblogs, selfgrowth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bio science, ISSN 0975-6299.

Obesity is a medical condition of excess body fat accumulated overtime, while overweight is a condition of excess body weight relatively to the height. According to the Body Mass Index(BMI), a BMI between 25 to 29.9 is considered over weight, while a BMI of over 30 is an indication of obesity. According to the statistic, 68% of American population are either overweight or obese.

You can calculate your BMI index BMI= weight (kg)/ height (m2)

In a randomized, controlled trial we compared the effects of endurance training with or without weight loss to the effect of weight loss induced by an energy-reduced diet in 48 sedentary, moderately overweight men who completed a 12-week intervention program of training (T), energy-reduced diet (D), training and increased diet (T-iD), or control (C). An energy deficit of 600 kcal/day was induced by endurance training or diet in T and D and a similar training regimen plus an increased dietary intake of 600 kcal/day defined the T-iD group, researchers found that endurance training per se increases various metabolic health parameters and that endurance training should preferably always be included in any intervention regimen for improving metabolic health in moderately overweight men.(1)

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(1) "Endurance training per se increases metabolic health in young, moderately overweight men" by Nordby P, Auerbach PL, Rosenkilde M, Kristiansen L, Thomasen JR, Rygaard L, Groth R, Brandt N, Helge JW, Richter EA, Ploug T, Stallknecht B.