Friday, July 12, 2019

Green tea, The Best Drink for Reduced Risk and Treatment of Hypertension

Regular drinking of green tea may have a potential effect in maintaining normal blood pressure and reduced risk of hypertension, a recent study suggested.

Hypertension is an abnormal high of blood pressure, one of the major risk factors in contributing to the early onset of cardiovascular disease.

Green tea, considered as a functional food, linking numbers of health benefit has been reported by several renowned research and studies. However, as yin in nature herbal medicine, or food, long term injection of large amounts may obstruct the balance of yin-yang, induced "yin excessive syndrome" or "yang vacuity syndrome" including weaken immunity and painful case of GERD,... according to traditional Chinese medicine's Yin-Yang theory. Adding one slice of ginger will do the trick of neutralization.

Hypertension of male Wistar rats induced by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor [N-nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester (L-NAME); 20 mg/kg per day, orally, for 2 weeks], fed with green tea extract exhibited a strong effect in reduced hypertension (119 ± 1 mmHg) and higher renal sympathetic nerve activity (161 ± 12 spikes/s) than the control group (97 ± 2 spikes/s).
Green tea oral administration also showed a significant decreased in hypertensive parameter by ameliorated.arterial baroreceptor function and vascular and systemic oxidative stress.

Furthermore, in a total of 20 Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats at 13 weeks old with metabolic syndrome randomized into a saline-treated group (OLETF; n = 10) and a group treated with decaffeinated-GTE (25 mg/kg/day) (GTE-OLETF; n = 10), group fed with decaffeinated-GTE significantly reduced BP (OLETF vs. GTE-OLETF; 130 ± 7 vs. 121 ± 3 mmHg, p = 0.01) in compared control fed with saline.

The study also suggested that fed mice with green tea also showed an antihypertensive effect in reduced vascular reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and NADPH in the generation of ROS, as well as improving endothelium (cell lines the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels)and lymphatic vessels dependent relaxation.

Dr. Ihm SH, the lead author said," (green tea extract) improved endothelial dysfunction and IR, and eventually lowered BP".

Taking together, there is no doubt that green tea processes a significant effect in reduced risk and treatment of hypertension through reduced oxidative stress and improved vascular relaxation as well as decreased metabolic syndrome in exaggerated hypertension.

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Author Biography
Kyle J. Norton (Scholar, Master of Nutrition, All right reserved)
Health article writer and researcher; Over 10.000 articles and research papers have been written and published online, including worldwide health, ezine articles, article base, health blogs, self-growth, best before it's news, the karate GB daily, etc.,.
Named TOP 50 MEDICAL ESSAYS FOR ARTISTS & AUTHORS TO READ by Named 50 of the best health Tweeters Canada - Huffington Post
Nominated for shorty award over last 4 years
Some articles have been used as references in medical research, such as international journal Pharma and Bioscience, ISSN 0975-6299.
(1) The antioxidant effects of green tea reduces blood pressure and sympathoexcitation in an experimental model of hypertension by Garcia ML1, Pontes RB, Nishi EE, Ibuki FK, Oliveira V, Sawaya AC, Carvalho PO, Nogueira FN Franco MD, Campos RR, Oyama LM, Bergamaschi CT.(PubMed)
(2) Decaffeinated green tea extract improves hypertension and insulin resistance in a rat model of metabolic syndrome by Ihm SH1, Jang SW, Kim OR, Chang K, Oak MH, Lee JO, Lim DY, Kim JH.(PubMed)

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